Get Certified as a Psychological Safety Assessor and Developer
By obtaining the Safety Steps™-certification, you will strengthen your skills as a developer of psychological safety.
Get certified as a Sitomo Safety Steps™ user
Sitomo Safety Steps™️ is a tool that combines the measurement of psychological safety and the resulting proposals for action to strengthen safety.
Safety Steps™ measurement is based on Sitomo’s research and the resulting scale, which concretises the state of psychological safety.
Certification will give you the right to use the Safety Steps™️ tool and enable you to use the tool to develop collaboration between teams and workgroups.
Why get certified as a Safety Steps™ user?
- You will be given tools to assess the psychological safety of your team and learn how to create development plans to strengthen psychological safety.
- You will learn how to monitor the development of psychological safety in your organisation.
- You will develop your ability to support individuals as enhancers of psychological safety.
Once certified, you will receive comprehensive training materials including a manual, training slides and support materials for your use. You will also receive Sitomo user support to use the service.
Who is the certification for?
- For HR professionals as a tool for organisational development.
- For coaches and supervisors to measure the effectiveness of group processes.
- For shop stewards and health and safety representatives to support them in strengthening trust in the organisation.
- For team leaders and front-line staff to support management.
- For experts in occupational health organisations, as a tool for managing psychosocial stress.
We recommend certification primarily to people with people-oriented development skills.
Get certified as a Safety Steps™ user
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For which situations is the Safety Steps™ tool suitable?
- Transformations to make it easier to talk about difficult issues.
- To ensure progress on strategic people goals.
- For change situations to maintain working capacity.
- In the context of the well-being at work survey to deepen the snapshot of psychological safety.
- To ensure inclusion, fairness and equality.
- Developing team collaboration to support learning capacity and performance.
- Preventing conflicts and improving the atmosphere.
As a coach or supervisor, you can use the tool in a variety of ways as part of your own work.
This is what the development of psychological safety brings about
- People are increasingly willing to work towards their goals.
- The business culture is more attractive and commitment is strengthened.
- Willingness and ability to develop is strengthened.
- A culture of innovation is developed.
- A sense of appreciation is experienced.
- Improved sense of responsibility and ability to execute
How the Certification Process Works
The certification programme starts with an independent study of the pre-certification materials.
The first day of training (3,5 hours) will reinforce certifiers’ understanding of the phenomena of psychological safety and the principles of the indicator.
Both training days include small group work and practical exercises.
The second day of training (3,5 hours) will include practice in interpreting the results of the indicator and developing facilitated debriefing sessions based on them.
As a certified tool user, you are entitled to participate in Sitomo Safety Steps™ refresher training.
The price of the certification training is 970 € / person (+ VAT 24 %).
Feel free to ask for a quote for a larger group!
After certification, you pay for the Safety Steps™ service on a pay-per-use basis. For certified users, the cost of using the Safety Steps™ tool is 20-40€ per person per measurement. The larger your volume of use, the lower the price of the measurements.
During spring 2024, certified users will be able to use the tool free of charge until the end of the year.
Safety Steps™ Service to Support a Human, Learning and Productive Team
Sitomo’s Safety Steps™ service has been created to support the strengthening of psychological safety in teams.
When people reflect on themselves and how they interact with others, a psychologically safe environment is created in which courageous behaviour is possible.
This is when genuine challenge comes to the fore and the “rough ride” is less of a burden when you can trust the people around you. People are more confident to give and receive feedback. Difficult conversations are also more courageous.
By regularly measuring their psychological safety and discussing their performance and any fluctuations in it, people acquire the ability to develop psychological safety and courage independently.
Why Sitomo Safety Steps™?
By measuring psychological safety, analysing the current situation and making it visible:
- Making visible the areas of development of internal cooperation – working together to develop.
- We support the competitiveness of the company by strengthening the culture of experimentation and the capacity of individuals to take social risks – to innovate together and dare to be bold.
- We help identify risks of deteriorating collaboration – disruptive behaviour comes to the fore.
- We improve well-being by reducing psychosocial stress – making it easier to raise difficult issues.
- We increase productivity – working together becomes more effective when we dare to give and receive feedback and talk about difficult issues.
For certified users, the Safety Steps™ tool costs 20-40 € per person per measurement.
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